Sunday, September 19, 2010

262/365 Lazy Sunday

The boys went out this morning and set the sprinkler going and had a grand time playing in it. It's odd that once they asked and we had to do all the setting up and now they can go do it all for themselves.

The weather is just the tiniest bit cooler, but still hot enough to play in the water, and it being cooler makes them want to be outdoors more. They ended up taking baths twice today because they kept getting so dirty.


They found a ladybug and let it crawl around on them, and once it was off G got his camera and took a picture of it.

Gus took this

261/365 I love a good zoom on a point and shoot

I don't know how people live without it. This is as close as I could get to this chainsaw sculpture in Holt, FL

Chainsaw Sculpture - DCD Ranch in Holt, FL


Chainsaw Sculpture - DCD Ranch in Holt, FL

260/365 School

They come in and do this every day, and I have to get them to pick it all up and put it where it goes.

Home from School

Today they came home with flyers for the book fair that is going on next week. They are very excited about it and right away got busy with picking out what they want.

259/365 Old Post Office Antiques and Collectibles

We went there for lunch just because we never had before. He enjoyed his food, I was less enthused, and we are at odds about returning. I will say the service was good, and we love the building.

Old Post Office Antiques & Collectibles - Piano Cafe

258/365 Blackwater

I love that we live 5 minutes from the river.

Blackwater River

This afternoon we went so the boys could run around and throw rocks in the water and burn off some energy before bed. Of course they ended up throwing themselves in the water, which was not unexpected. They had a blast, and we had a lot of fun watching them, taking pictures, and talking.

Boys and Blackwater

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

257/365 Awesome

Had a wonderful lunch with my best friend S, followed by a trip to the Copper Possum for some browsing of all things old. This cabinet was full of awesome, as was my day!

Mirroscope and vintage cameras

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

256/365 Too early?

I'll bet you didn't know that pirates had moves like that.


255/365 Injured

Victim of a cat.

injured skink

254/365 Sunset on Blackwater

I could be showing you L missing his first tooth, but instead...

Sunset on Blackwater
Sunset on Blackwater

253/365 Imagination at work

Not sure what movie they are enjoying, but L created this theater in the back yard and got Granny to watch with him.

Backyard Movie Watching

252/365 Blah

This was not good. Well, the squash was fantastic, but the rest...

Lunch at Kwik Burger

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

251/365 This is why I never gets things done

The boys are in bed and I should be doing, instead...

The TV is on something I've seen before


I keep looking up at this thing and frowning

Winged Cat

and over at this thing which leads to vast amounts of time disappearing as I hop from site to site accomplishing nothing


I am thinking it is time to devote my remaining awake time to this


250/365 Well this isn't fun

in today's mail


249/365 Visits were made

Visit to my aunt and uncle, visit to see MIL and SIL, and lots of pictures taken. This is the one I chose to share.

walking the duck

248/365 Busy Sunday

This did not last long. 85, slight breeze and no humidity turned my boys into icicles!
Plaza de Luna at Palafox Pier

Watching the birds being fed.
Plaza de Luna at Palafox Pier


247/365 Stretch!


246/365 Waiting for the bus

Neighbor moving stuff out of her house caught my attention.


Friday, September 3, 2010

245/365 Tiny and Fierce

V stepped out back for something and let me know there were geckos outside. I found my camera and went out and all had fled but this one. He was awesome, charging anything that came too near. After I got my shots we went back in and I couldn't help but imagine that he was very pleased with himself that he stood up to the giants and they were the ones who retreated.

Agressive Little Gecko

And despite spending most of the day miserable and in bed, I also got this shot. I love the colors, something I'd never have noticed if I hadn't bothered to do more than look down at the mushroom that was growing from the crack.

Soft and Hard

244/365 Strep

My day for strep, and after spending the day unable to eat I decided this would do, that surely my throat wouldn't object, and I was right.

50¢ McDonald's Cone

243/365 Spider on Glass

Waiting for the bus I noticed this spider on the windshield. I almost managed to catch all of a curious dragonfly in the shot, as well. File this under the pictures I take when bored and waiting.

Spider on Glass

242\365 Sick, Sad Monday

All appointments were made, V got the sleep he needed, and things were handled. At SIL's she was going through things. In the last few months Richard had been doing these as his ability to other things went away, and she had pulled the ones she was keeping out and the rest were going in the trash. She seemed guilty about it, saying over and over she didn't have room for them all, I kept telling her of course she didn't, don't worry about. My boys were going through them and asked about some for their bedroom wall. I told them to each pick one, yet this is what we came home with. I found I couldn't say no.