I ordered something normal though a bit more plentiful on the meat than I usually order

and he decided to go crazy and order a dish his dad loved, tomato gravy on biscuits.

He said it never looked like that when his dad made it and I commented I'd never seen it look like that anytime I'd seen it eaten. Ew. Yes, he ate it, saying it tasted better than it looked.
After the breakfast we did a bit of shopping, then before heading home stopped by a local grocery to pick up the Thanksgiving dinner my mom had pre-ordered. She had wanted a traditional, at home, Thanksgiving meals without any of the work. At least the ham tasted good. I'll let that stand as my only comment on the food.
Obligatory dogs with boys pic from when we took part of that meal out to my sister and BIL. Sharing the, uh, joy of such a meal with the sick is the sisterly thing to do, right?

Early in the evening we went down to the riverwalk just to get out of the house.

And thus another humid, hot, fall/winter holiday was done.
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