45/365 Valentine's Day
Treats from my boys

A treat for the 4 of us. We ordered plain glazed at Krispy Kreme and this is what we got.

and some playtime

44/365 Imagination
This is Lucian in his rocket ship

43/365 Snow day!!
They were telling us 2 to 4 inches where we lived but I didn't trust them. I mean come on, this is Florida! So when the news started showing snow in lower Alabama I told Vaughn to get his clothes on, we were going. It was awesome! It wasn't much where we went, but it was snow, and we had an unphotographed snowball fight because when you're having fun who has time for pictures?

And that 2 to 4 inches we were to get? Well snow did fall from the sky for a minute or two. If you look really hard, you can see it here!
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