First stop, car wash. They love those, and they prefer Ronny's but we were out too early on a Sunday for that.

We drove through Pensacola and saw the Krispy Kreme hot sign was flashing, the only time I think they are worth eating at this point in my life, so we each had one plain glazed. The woman at the window tried to sell us on a dozen, which would only have been a little more than the cost of what we asked for, but we didn't want a dozen. She didn't seem to be able to understand that and asked if we were sure, then gave us a look like we were idiots when we said yes.
After that we headed over the 3 mile bridge and decided to take a drive along the beach. The flag was red as we headed into Pensacola beach and then as we made it to Navarre the purple was added to it. It was a peaceful drive, nice to smell the Gulf and just to see it. There was no fussing that we weren't stopping, we just all talked and looked.

As we went through one part that was very flat and had a dirty look from all the asphalt that was destroyed during the storms (you can see some in the picture above) the boys began referring to it as the poison land. "When we are out of The Poison Land can we stop and get some lunch?" "Look at that big truck coming! It looks like it lives in The Poison Land." I have no idea where they get this stuff.

Earle Bowden Way has only been open a little over a year. It took them almost 5 years to get it open after Ivan, thanks to additional damage by other storms that came along. I miss all the big dunes, and the pure white of the sand, but I missed being able to drive it even more.
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