Wednesday, April 28, 2010

118/365 Pink Bronco

This afternoon Vaughn dragged my reluctant-to-leave-the-house-because-I-felt-bad-and-was-super-grumpy self, along with the boys, out for pizza. Okay, so the boys didn't take any dragging. Anyway, he ended up with a grinder and was very happy with it, and my mood got a little better I guess just being with these goofy people that I love so much.

His grinder.

Santino's Ham and Cheese Grinder

And when we were leaving I noticed a pink Bronco across the street, which meant I just had to get a shot. I'm not happy with it, but here it is anyway.

Pink Bronco at the Tom Thumb

Just to note, paid $2.81 a gallon for gas today.


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